The Absolute Best Fertilizer for Endless Summer Hydrangeas

Absolute Best Fertilizer for Endless Summer Hydrangeas

The Absolute Best Fertilizer for Endless Summer Hydrangeas

Summer is blooming in Chicago and we're enjoying our beautiful hydrangeas all season thanks to finding the best fertilizer of all time! If you're looking to grow beautiful blooms and lush foliage, Endless Summer hydrangeas are a fantastic choice.

These reblooming hydrangeas are known for their ability to produce flowers on both old wood and new wood, meaning they can bloom on growth from the previous year or the current season's growth.

But to truly make this type of hydrangea thrive, you need the best fertilizer. Let’s dive into the absolute best fertilizer for endless summer hydrangeas and how to care for them.

What is the Best Fertilizer for Hydrangeas?

The best fertilizer for popular big leaf hydrangeas is one that meets their specific needs for nutrients. Scotts Evergreen Flowering Tree & Shrub Continuous Release Plant Food is an excellent choice because it provides a balanced nutrient mix that supports both new growth and flower production.

It contains a higher level of phosphorus, which is crucial for flower formation, and slow-release properties that ensure your endless summer collection of hydrangeas get a steady supply of nutrients over time.

I've tried various fertilizers, but nothing compares to Scotts Evergreen Flowering Tree & Shrub Continuous Release Plant Food. This slow-release fertilizer is practically magic. You only need to apply it once a month, and it works wonders. Just sprinkle a generous amount at the base of your plants, then water daily for three days. Our hydrangeas have taken off with this method!

What's the Difference Between Endless Summer Hydrangeas and Other Hydrangea Varieties?

Endless Summer hydrangeas stand out from other hydrangea varieties primarily because of their unique ability to bloom on both old wood and new wood, providing a continuous display of beautiful blooms from early summer through late summer and often into early fall.

This extended blooming period sets them apart from traditional hydrangeas, which typically bloom only on old wood and have a single bloom period. Endless Summer hydrangeas are also more adaptable to different climates, including both warmer climates and northern climates, ensuring a consistent show of flowers even if buds are damaged by frost.

In addition to their blooming capabilities, Endless Summer hydrangeas offer flexibility in flower color based on soil pH, producing blue flowers in acidic soil and pink blooms in alkaline soils.

They require specific care, such as regular application of a slow-release fertilizer, well-drained soil, regular watering, and partial shade to thrive. Endless Summer hydrangeas are a popular choice for gardeners seeking vibrant and reliable blooms throughout the growing season.

When Should I Fertilize My Endless Summer Hydrangea?

Timing is crucial when it comes to fertilizing your big leaf hydrangeas. The best time to start is in early spring, as soon as you see new growth. This gives your new hydrangea the nutrients it needs for the growing season. Continue to fertilize monthly through late spring and into early summer.

I follow a schedule of fertilizing every 30 days. I do my best to time fertilizing with when it will rain.

By following this schedule, you’ll ensure your hydrangeas have a constant supply of nutrients, leading to robust growth and stunning blooms.

How Do You Keep Endless Summer Hydrangeas Blooming All Summer?

To keep your Endless Summer hydrangeas blooming all summer, focus on consistent care and the right fertilizer. Here’s a simple routine to follow:

  1. Fertilize Monthly: Use a slow-release granular fertilizer like Scotts Evergreen Flowering Tree & Shrub Continuous Release Plant Food. 

  2. Water Regularly: Hydrangeas need plenty of water water, especially during hot, dry periods. Water deeply to ensure the roots get enough moisture.

  3. Prune Correctly: Trim dead blooms and any weak or dead stems to encourage new growth. This will promote more flower buds.

  4. Provide Afternoon Shade: While hydrangeas need full morning sun, they benefit from afternoon shade to protect them from the harsh midday sun.

Using Scott’s Fertilizer has been a game changer in the number of blooms my hydrangeas produce!

Should I Cut Dead Blooms Off My Endless Summer Hydrangea?

Yes, cutting dead blooms off your hydrangeas, a process known as deadheading, is beneficial. Deadheading encourages the plant to produce more flowers and keeps it looking neat and healthy. Simply snip off the dead flower heads just above a set of healthy leaves. This will stimulate new blooms and keep your plant looking its best.

How Often Should I Water an Endless Summer Hydrangea?

Endless Summer hydrangeas need regular watering, especially during the growing season. They thrive in moist soil but can suffer if they get too much water. Here’s a good rule of thumb:

  • Water Deeply: Water deeply at the base of the plant once or twice a week, depending on the weather.

  • Daily Watering: During very hot or dry periods, you may need to water daily. Ensure the soil is well-drained to prevent root rot.

  • Morning Watering: Water in the morning to allow the leaves to dry before evening, reducing the risk of powdery mildew.

Where is the Best Place to Plant Endless Summer Hydrangeas?

The best place to plant Endless Summer hydrangeas is in a location that offers full morning sun and afternoon shade. Here are some tips for choosing the right spot:

  • Well-Drained Soil: Ensure the soil is well-drained to prevent waterlogging.

  • Partial Shade: Avoid planting in full shade, as this can lead to fewer blooms.

  • Protection from Wind: Plant in a spot that is sheltered from strong winds to protect the large leaves and flower heads.

What Month Do Endless Summer Hydrangeas Bloom?

Endless Summer hydrangeas typically start blooming in early summer and continue through late summer, often extending into early fall. These hydrangeas are unique because of their ability to rebloom on both old wood and new wood, providing a continuous display of beautiful blooms throughout the growing season. Here’s a more detailed look at their blooming cycle and what influences it:

Early Summer Blooms

In early summer, you can expect to see the first set of flowers. This initial bloom comes from the buds that formed on old wood during the previous year. If you’ve taken good care of your hydrangeas, ensuring they had the right amount of water and protection during the winter, these buds will burst into colorful, vibrant blooms as soon as the weather warms up.

Mid to Late Summer Blooms

As the season progresses into mid and late summer, Endless Summer hydrangeas begin to produce new flowers on the current season’s growth. This is one of the key features that set them apart from other types of hydrangeas. By using a slow-release bloom-boosting fertilizer like this one, you can support this continuous bloom cycle. Regular feeding ensures that your hydrangeas have the nutrients they need to keep producing new flower buds throughout the summer.

Early Fall Blooms

In early fall, you might still see some fresh blooms, particularly if the climate in your area remains warm. The blooms can continue to develop and open, providing a splash of color in your garden well into the autumn months. This extended blooming period makes Endless Summer hydrangeas a favorite among gardeners looking for long-lasting beauty.

Factors Affecting Bloom Timing

The exact timing of blooms can vary based on several factors, including:

  1. Climate: Warmer climates may see earlier and longer blooming periods, while cooler climates might have a shorter window.

  2. Soil pH: The pH of the soil can influence the flower color, with acidic soil producing blue blooms with blue flowers and alkaline soils producing pink blooms with pink flowers. However, the soil pH doesn’t significantly impact the timing of the blooms.

  3. Care and Maintenance: Regular watering, proper pruning, and the use of a slow-release granular fertilizer can enhance bloom production and longevity.

  4. Location: Planting in a spot with full morning sun and afternoon shade can help optimize blooming by protecting the plants from the harsh midday sun, which can stress the plants and reduce flower production.

  5. Previous Year’s Care: The development of flower buds on old wood means that the care your hydrangeas received the previous year will directly affect the first set of flowers. Proper winter protection and minimal pruning in late fall can help preserve these buds.

Why is My Endless Summer Hydrangea Wilting?

If your Endless Summer hydrangea is wilting, it could be due to several reasons:

  1. Lack of Water: Hydrangeas need plenty of water. Ensure you’re watering deeply and regularly, especially during hot weather.

  2. Too Much Sun: If the plant is getting too much direct sunlight, especially during the hottest part of the day, it can cause wilting. Provide some afternoon shade to help.

  3. Poor Soil Conditions: Hydrangeas thrive in well-drained, nutrient-rich soil. Check the soil pH and consider adding soil amendments like peat moss or organic matter to improve soil quality.

  4. Pests or Disease: Inspect the plant for signs of pests or diseases. Powdery mildew, for example, can cause wilting and leaf discoloration.

Endless Summer hydrangeas are a beautiful and versatile addition to any garden. By using the best fertilizer, such as Scotts Evergreen Flowering Tree & Shrub Continuous Release Plant Food, and following proper care techniques, you can enjoy stunning blooms all season long. Remember to fertilize monthly, water regularly, and provide the right growing conditions to keep your hydrangeas healthy and vibrant. Happy gardening!


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Hi, I’m Jen!

Hi, I’m Jen, your perpetually optimistic, fun-loving, witty friend. When I’m not working at The Marketing Greenhouse, you can find me gardening in the sun, playing games with my kids or creating content that inspires people to try new things and be the best version of themselves.


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