The Three Best Masks for Toddlers and Kids

Three Best Masks for Toddlers and Kids

Finding the best face masks for toddlers and kids is a tall order. We have three favorites that you'll love and can easily shop in the post. Two years in, we're all used to face masks, but finding the best toddler face masks is a real challenge. We've had lots of guessing and checking to find the right ones. Today, I'm sharing three face masks that we have found to work for our toddler.


Best Masks for Toddlers and Kids

Why use a face mask?

Face masks are a great way to help protect toddler's skin against contaminants. There are many types of face masks for kids, but toddler face masks are specifically designed with your toddler in mind. Which brings us to our first important question...

What is the best type of mask for toddlers?

There are two main types of toddler face masks on the market: cloth masks and structured toddler face masks (like a KN95).


Cloth toddler face mask

Cloth toddler face masks are designed to cover the toddlers nose and mouth. This type of toddler mask also can reduce allergens in the toddler's environment. This toddler face mask fits best above the toddler's nose and below his chin, leaving some space for toddler to breathe comfortably.

Cloth masks are better suited for younger toddlers as they have small noses that can be difficult to cover properly with traditional toddler face masks. The best toddler cloth face masks have separate covers for the toddler's nose to ensure that no particles get into the toddler's respiratory system.

Cloth toddler face mask are lightweight and can be tied around toddler's head for a good fit. They also work great in warm weather or for toddler who perspire heavily. You can purchase toddler cloth masks online, at your doctor office/pharmacy or at a retail store.


Best face masks for kids in the Cloth variant

We're a big fan of masks from Rafi Nova. I actually interviewed Marissa, the founder, a while ago, which you can read about here. She and her family are avid travelers and have been wearing masks for years, so it was a natural progression to get into mask production.

Rafi Nova has adult-size masks but also face coverings that fit a kid’s face well. Our favorite masks are machine washable with adjustable ear straps. What I like most about Rafi Nova is they have fun prints that fit well, but also feel structured.

For thin, super comfortable masks, we love Paige Lauren.  For more structured cloth masks, we love these masks from Rafi Nova.


Structured toddler face mask

Structured toddler face masks are better suited toddler's who have larger noses and some facial hair. These toddler face masks cover more of your toddler's non-tattooed skin. They come in one piece (a strip across the forehead, one over the nose and mouth) or two piece (a strip across the forehead with a separate piece that covers toddler's nose and mouth).

Structured toddler face masks are easier for toddler to put on then toddler cloth masks. They also block most pollutants from getting through, so there is no need to worry about toddler breathing in particles.

However, toddler structured face masks can be hot and toddler can perspire quite a lot in these toddler masks, so they are best suited for cool weather or cooler toddler. You can purchase toddler structured face masks at retailers or online.

When you're shopping for the best masks for toddlers and kids, reference back to this post for help and be sure to share it with friends!



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