Tips for Keeping Your Christmas Tree Alive Through the Holidays

Tips for Keeping Your Christmas Tree Alive Through the Holidays

A real Christmas tree is a beautiful addition to any home during the holidays. They spread the festive cheer and fill the room with that amazing pine smell. But, as lovely as they are, real trees can be a bit of a hassle to keep alive. If you're thinking of getting a real tree this year, here are a few tips to help you keep it alive and looking great throughout the holiday season.


1. Pick the right tree.

Start by choosing a fresh tree. You can tell if a tree is fresh by checking a few key things. First, make sure the needles are green and firmly attached to the branches. Second, bend a branch back towards the trunk. If the branch snaps, that's an indication that the tree is too dry. Third, tap the trunk on the ground. A shower of green needles is normal but if brown needles fall off, that means the tree is dry.


2. Keep it watered.

Once you have your tree home, it's important to keep it watered at all times. A good rule of thumb is to check the water level every day and top it off as needed so that the water never goes below the halfway point on the trunk of your tree. Add water until it starts seeping out of the bottom of the stand - that's when you'll know you've reached capacity.

3. Place it wisely.

Where you place your tree in your home can make a big difference in how long it lasts. Try to avoid placing your tree near heat sources like fireplaces, vents, or heating vents as this will cause the needles to dry out and fall off more quickly. Instead, opt for a cool spot in your home where people won't be walking by too often which will help minimize needle shedding from movement and vibrations.  

With just a little bit of TLC, you can keep your real Christmas tree alive and looking great all season long! By following these simple tips, you'll be able to fully enjoy all that your holiday evergreen has to offer without any extra stress this holiday season!

4. Find proper storage before set up.

Ensure your tree is stored appropriately before bringing it indoors. Keep it in a cool, shaded area, sheltered from wind and sun, until you're ready to set it up.

5. Trim the trunk.

Before placing the tree in the stand, make a fresh straight cut at the base. This opens up the tree's pores for better water absorption. Do this immediately before placing it in water.

6. Select the right stand

Invest in a high-quality Christmas tree stand that can hold an ample amount of water. A larger water reservoir reduces the frequency of refilling and helps keep the tree hydrated.

7. Use the right water temperature

Use lukewarm water when filling the tree stand initially. This helps to prevent the tree from going into shock and aids in water absorption.

8. Water it regularly.

Check the water level daily and top it off as needed. A good rule of thumb is to ensure the water never drops below the halfway mark on the trunk. A well-hydrated tree is less likely to shed needles.

9. Avoid additives

Stick to plain water in the tree stand. Contrary to popular belief, additives such as aspirin or sugar may not significantly extend the tree's freshness.

10. Keep it cool

Position your tree away from direct sunlight and heat sources like radiators, fireplaces, or heating vents. Exposure to excessive heat accelerates needle drying.

11. Use a humidifier.

Consider using a humidifier in the room where the tree is placed. This helps maintain a more favorable environment for the tree by preventing excessive moisture loss.

12. Inspect the Christmas Lights

Before decorating, inspect your Christmas lights for damaged wires or loose bulbs. Faulty lights can generate heat and pose a fire hazard, potentially affecting the tree's health.

As the holiday season unfolds, the enchantment of a real Christmas tree gracing your home is unmatched. Choosing the freshest tree is the first step in ensuring a vibrant and long-lasting centerpiece for your festivities. Opt for a Christmas tree from a local tree farm, not only to support local businesses but also to secure a tree that has endured minimal travel and is more likely to remain fresh throughout the season.

When selecting your evergreen beauty, ensure it passes the freshness test - vibrant green needles that resist snapping, a fresh cut at the base for better water absorption, and a trunk that showers only green needles when tapped.

Once you've brought this festive treasure home, promptly place it in a sturdy Christmas tree stand, preferably one that can hold at least a gallon of water. Regularly check the water level and maintain it above the halfway point on the trunk, as a dry tree not only diminishes its appearance but also poses a fire hazard.

Position your tree thoughtfully, away from heat sources and Christmas lights, to minimize needle shedding and the risk of becoming a fire hazard. With each passing day, nurture your Christmas tree by providing it with a quart of water or more, ensuring it stays hydrated and vibrant.

The ritual of daily check-ins on the water level becomes an act of care, as you witness your Christmas tree absorbing water to preserve its freshness. Embrace the charm of a locally sourced evergreen, support the Christmas tree farms in your community, and revel in the joy of a living symbol of the season. May the glow of your meticulously chosen and well-nurtured Christmas tree be a beacon of warmth, love, and festive magic throughout the holidays.



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